The Healing Daughters Society

Break free from the trauma bond with your narcissistic mother and start your healing journey today.

What You Get With Our Community:

Empowering daughters to break free from the trauma bond with narcissistic mothers.

Trauma-Informed Curriculum to Heal Complex Trauma

S.E.L.F. – a trauma-informed, psychoeducational group curriculum designed to guide you through the complexities of trauma recovery. S.E.L.F. serves as a compass, leading you through the critical domains of safety, emotions, loss, and future, providing a holistic approach to healing. ($1,755 value)

Ever-Growing Resource and Handout Library

An ever-growing resource library with workbooks, worksheets, and journals.

The Healing Daughters 5-Step Road Map

Immediate access to our course that provides you with The Healing Daughter Roadmap - 5-step-by-step healing from maternal narcissism ($997 value)


Access to the inner circle group for accountability, connection, and support.

Library of Regulating Exercises

Monthly calls with the online community and Ruth. Scheduled at various time to accommodate members.

Monthly Calls

Co-regulation and self-regulation exercises for triggers and stress.


This online community is for you if you want to get rid of toxic shame, become empowered and independent from your mother, and create fulfilling relationships.

The Healing Daughter 5-Step Roadmap will give you the tools to recover from the effects of having a narcissistic mother:

01. Nervous System Mastery

We aim to balance those triggers, ease anxiety, and equip you with tools for a steadier emotional ship. By the end of this step, you’ll have self-regulation skills and a clearer understanding of what sets you off emotionally.

02. Decoding Maternal Narcissism

This is where we dive into understanding your mother’s actions and the impact of her narcissism. It’s about gaining insights that will pave the way for your healing journey. By the end of this step, you’ll have a solid grasp of how your mother’s behavior has shaped you.

03. Embracing Grief & Acceptance

This step is about letting go of the pain and loss you’ve carried due to your mother’s narcissism. We’re aiming for a detachment from that enmeshment and a space for your own identity to flourish. By the end of this step, you’ll find yourself more in tune with your emotions and better equipped to handle them.

04. Independence & Self-Reconstruction

Here, we’re rebuilding your beliefs and reworking those ingrained patterns holding you back. It’s about finding your voice and reclaiming your independence. By the end of this step, you’ll be standing stronger in your beliefs and stepping into a more empowered version of yourself.

05. Cultivating Inner Nurturance

In this final step, it’s all about nurturing yourself. We’re focusing on self-care, boundaries, and defining your relationship with your mother on your terms. By the end of this step, you’ll have embraced your power and carved out a future that truly resonates with you.

On top of that, you will be getting access to S.E.L.F. – a trauma-informed, psychoeducational group curriculum designed to guide you through the complexities of trauma recovery. S.E.L.F. serves as a compass, leading you through the critical domains of safety, emotions, loss, and future, providing a holistic approach to healing. (This is brand new to our community and you'll be one of the first to go through this, how exciting!)

The four critical domains of recovering from life’s traumatic experiences through S.E.L.F:

  • Safety (attaining safety in self, relationships, and environment)

  • Emotions (identifying levels of affect and modulating affect in response to memories, persons, and events)

  • Loss (feeling grief and dealing with personal losses, resistance to change)

  • Future (trying out new roles, ways of relating, and behaving as a “survivor” to ensure personal safety and help others)

S.E.L.F aligns with The Healing Daughter because the goal is to create safety within yourself and in your interpersonal relationships, learn to manage your emotions, learn to grieve, and focus on a better future outside of your narcissistic mother’s influence.

For every group meeting, you will be given participation questions + a resource to read after the class to familiarize yourself with. You can share as much or as little as you want, if you don’t want to share you can still fill out your worksheet. I suggest having a folder or journal to keep track of your handouts and progress notes.

On top of those guidelines, to maintain the integrity and effectiveness of the group, we have guidelines you must follow:

  1. Every person in the group must be dedicated to striving for health, wholeness, and safety.

  2. Everyone in the community must constantly create and maintain safety as a shared responsibility.

  3. Any form of violence will not be tolerated as violence towards one member = violence to the group since we are interconnected.

  4. A willingness to learn and change is an outstanding requirement to be part of this group. You must be intentional and committed to your growth.

  5. Having a sense of humor helps too.

  6. You will get triggered, and feel pain, and at times it may feel like too much, but this is part of the work. If you are willing to do the job, we are willing to work through it with you.

  7. As much as traumatic experiences have shaped your worldview, there is strength in the way you adapted to survive. The goal is to use your adaptations towards health instead of telling you that you are powerless.

  8. We honor your adaptive coping behaviors due to survival and being part of this group means that now we can look at other options that are more constructive, instead of destructive.

  9. No judgment or correction of others' feelings.

  10. Celebrate and encourage each other to feel/ be vulnerable.

  11. Ask the person who shares what they need instead of giving unsolicited advice.

  12. Before you share, “I'm sharing this to gain insight or advice or I just want to share and feel heard.”

  13. Attempt to acknowledge people’s experiences such as their feelings, and comments, and congratulate them.

  14. Be as present as possible for the group and if you need to step away, that’s okay just commit to coming back, and if not let us know if you can’t.

  15. At the end of the group chat, a brief check-in with everyone.

Before joining, please consider the following requirements:

  1. To heal effectively, ideally, take a temporary separation from your mother, maintain no contact, or at least not be living with her.

  2. Be ready to commit to yourself & your healing journey for at least 12 months.

  3. You are accountable for using the tools and resources provided on our platform.

  4. You should have ways of regulating yourself. If you are easily triggered, or overwhelmed consider one-on-one work with a mental health professional first.

  5. We emphasize personal agency & responsibility.

If you've read all of the above, great! That means you're serious and intentional about healing from your narcissistic mother and navigating complex trauma.

Join The Healing Daughters Society

The investment:

1. Initial one-time non-refundable $297 joining fee - This fee ensures commitment and covers essential costs, guaranteeing a high-quality experience for all participants throughout our sessions.

2. Monthly community fee - $20/month (the first 30 days free)

3. Your first initial payment will be $297 and then $20 a month which you can cancel anytime.

Once you’ve completed this, you'll receive instructions for your $20/month subscription.

Doors will remain open from August 31, 2024 - September 2, 2024.

person in red sweater holding babys hand
person in red sweater holding babys hand



Supportive, Healing, Empowering

Join Now

pink flower petals in close up photography

Biggest challenge: Individuation & Setting Boundaries, Feeling: heavily enmeshed, trapped, true self buried never to be exposed & fully realized in this lifetime. The Healing Daughters Society helped me to become my own person. It validated my feelings and showed me that there was much more to life than being trapped under my mother's spell. I have learned how to set boundaries, safely & effectively. I have so much more confidence In who I am & what my needs are now. I have been taught that my feelings are valid and I am worthy of healthy relationships. THDS was a crucial part in my journey to self soothing, emotional regulation, and nervous system regulation. I have learned so much in this course & the group community, I am forever grateful. And I'm only halfway through! This is an investment in yourself. Your future self. And you commitment to help heal your past self. Ruth is like a big sister sharing so much of her knowledge and personal experience to help walk you through every step of the way. You will not regret it!

I am so incredibly grateful to Ruth & THDS. Her course has been an absolutely life changing for me, and I am so looking forward to continuing on this journey to healing.


My main problem was my relationship with my mother and the effects it was having on all areas of my life. I was struggling with low self-esteem, poor boundaries, and bouts of painful depression and anxiety. I found I still used alcohol to alleviate difficult feelings, and hadn’t completely mastered how to self-soothe and regulate.

I’ve tried everything from talking therapy, 12 step groups, CBT, and holistic therapy. Although this all helped me with greater self-awareness, it really didn’t address my relationship with my mum. I found I kept returning to self-destructive patterns, and really struggling to keep boundaries in place because I hadn’t addressed this core wound.

My biggest aha moment was when I started to see who my mum actually is rather than who I want her to be. I also started to realise that the only person who can advocate for me is me and the only person who can advocate for my healing is me. It’s really sunk in that I’m the one who is responsible for my healing and no-one else and as a result, I’ve find I’ve been able to transform the relationship I have with myself!

I think the first part is really getting to understand how your nervous system has been impacted by chronic stress caused by hyper vigilance from your childhood as well as unprocessed trauma. And then beginning to really understand what you childhood actually was like, and what your relationship was like when you were a child into young adult. Having the group is a huge eye opener because you can validate and support each other, when we have been taught to second guess ourselves constantly.

This work has really changed something in me at the core. I really have started to understand where some habits and patterns come from, but most importantly I’ve felt like I been able to transform the relationship I have with myself. The most important relationship of all!


My anxiety was my biggest challenge to overcome. Feeling like I was all over the place with my thoughts and emotions. I did not have awareness of my body and self.It made me feel really stressed.I have a better control of my emotions and my anxiety. I accepted the place I am in and continue to push myself to grow more and be my best self. I enjoy the present and prepare for more improvement.Understanding how to manage my triggers and understand the root of my trauma has been an awakening experience. I have a better understanding of myself and my needs. I have started to realize how to love myself and how to give myself grace. I’m being more confident just by getting to know myself and following healthy habits.Please do it. Not only is Ruth so supportive but she really has a gift. She will be understanding and know exactly what to say and how to help you.I love this program and support system. It has really helped me on my journey. I finally feel like I’m on my way out of survival mode.


Biggest challenge: Just not understanding my mother and her complete lack of a desire to have a relationship.

Feeling: Unworthy. Finally finding the answers and the research Ruth collected and put together answered so many questions & there was no shame or belittling in the learning aspect of maternal narcissism. Very inclusive and loving group. Realizing I am not the problem & my mom had a disease . Narcissism is very serious and coming to terms with the fact that she will. Dive in !!!! Ruth’s classes are phenomenal a balm for your broken heart. Such a great group & class & so healing to know I was never alone in that type of abuse & that their is a way out.


Being able to express feelings, name them and lay boundaries. Anxious, overwhelmed, apprehensive, irritated, frustrated, jittery, embarrassed, panicked and more.Changes after joining THDS: There’s been a shift in my mindset and I’m learning to be comfortable and able to do things that I hadn’t imagined possibly. I am taking care of my mental health more and made it a priority to invest that in life. You are not going to regret this decision. You will be taking care of yourself and you will have help in this journey in the form of other humans who have experienced the same or similar experiences with others.

